"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."
- Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was an amazing person.  He was extremely intelligent and also gave really gave great advice, like in the quote above. I would like to display this quote up on my wall to help me stay focused on what it important from day to day.

His advice demonstrates how we view the world and ourselves. Before we look at the quote in detail I wanted show you some more great quotes from this influential man.

Watch this short video with more wonderful quotes from this genius.

So what did Albert mean when he said the words above (in the title)? I believe that he was trying to show us that we should learn from our experiences (including our mistakes) and try to improve on them.

Mistakes are not bad.  They demonstrate that we are trying new things and learning.  Mistakes are, therefore, a needed when learning something new.

In terms of learning English, he might encourage you to ignore the fact that you can't say something exactly how you would in your mother tongue.  On the other hand, he would suggest celebrating the fact that you are communicating with another human being.

Live in the moment. Do not focus on the past or worry about the future. We must live in the now and embrace what we have. It might not last as long as we think.  Too much time spend thinking about the past or the future leads to worry and more stress.  

Hope for tomorrow makes me think of our dreams. We can dream about all the great things we want to do and accomplish but we must remember that these are only dreams and that sometimes our dreams make reality seem disappointing.

Dreams are wonderful and inspiring but we must remember that life is just as beautiful and rewarding when we take a minute to see the beauty around us.

Take a minute to listen to Travis' thoughts about Einstein's quote.

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I love Albert Einstein Not rated yet
What an amazing man! I love this quote because it makes you think about how you experience life. If you are always thinking about the past and worrying …

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