I love Albert Einstein!

What an amazing man! I love this quote because it makes you think about how you experience life.

If you are always thinking about the past and worrying about things you can not change...that isn't good.

If you are so busy planning the future that you don't enjoy NOW...that isn't good either.

Asking questions is vital. As long as you ask questions you will eventually find the answers you are searching for.

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our life is too short, we should know how to live it.

by nabila

Hello Diana,
I am so happy when I receive your emails every week but this week I am so sad because it's the last week. Anyway, I will still follow your courses.

I like today's lesson. It reminded me my prophet MOHAMED who says: work for your life like you live for ever and work for your end of life like you will die tomorrow, you know i agree with you when you say you should not focus on the past but we should learn from it we should not repeat a same mistakes;and we could not don t worry about the future because on no-days the future is not clear at all and we can t be sure what it could happen whatever, however or wherever we live,i know that dreaming is so wonderful and fortunately no body can stop us to dream but very difficult to realize it.

Hope the future will be better.

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