Why English is Important for a person to prosper in life?

by Weer Welar
(Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia)

I love English

I love English

The English language is a very important language that everyone should master to prosper in life. It is also an International language that is commonly used.

I believe that every individual should have keen interest to study English as it can help them to achieve a lot of things in their lives. As a student, I took great interest to master this language.

I learnt a lot and now I can see great improvements in me. I can interact better now with all my friends and also my teachers. Most of them told me that I can speak fluently now.

The English language is also essential in order for me to obtain a stable and good job in the future. By having great knowledge in English, I believe that I would be able to sustain well in a company.

I am proud of myself because knowing that I am not an American citizen, I could speak English very well because from the beginning, I was very determined and I also had great desire to study.

My personal advice to all out there, please master this language in order to prosper to greatest heights, you will not regret it. Acquire and perceive English, only then life will be wonderful, beautiful, meaningful, joyful and colorful.

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Oct 27, 2012
Inetrenational communication tool
by: Shruti

Yes, English is very important language. It is a tool used all over the globe to communicate. Even in china people have accepted that English is an essential language for international business.

Oct 24, 2012
You´re rigtht!
by: Anonymous

The role of English for university students is really important for two reasons. First of all, Peruvian university students access English information to progress in their studies. Second, university students who know this language have better job opportunities.

May 12, 2012
English is very important
by: Someone??

yes i think english is really important!!!

May 08, 2012
Zain Academy
by: Rajesh

Yes ! there is no doubt that after joining Zain Academy not only me my friends , family , and colleagues have impressed by me...its more than a personality Development if you can speak good english in India...I am really thankful to Zain Academy and God that He has given me this opportunity to joined Zain Academy.

May 28, 2011
Zain Academy Nagpur India
by: Anonymous

Higher education is so important for those who want to survive in this modern era world.

English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, and medicine field.

It?s fun to learn English. Many of us had enrolled in English classes to improve their grammar and so on. This because we need to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in our daily life.

Apr 14, 2011
by: Guard Connexxion

Thanks for the advice. Yes! I think English is vital for us as citizens in Malaysia. Besides being lingua franca of interntional business, educational, politics and also media, English actually is everything for us to get a job if we speak effectively and efficiently in English.

But nowadays this seems sad coz I see most of the students in Malaysia cannot speak nor write English well although they had been exposed to English for about 11 years. So I wish that they will study why English is important nowadays.

Oct 07, 2010
I love English too!
by: Alexia

Thank you very much for your message. It gives me much more energy and motivation to keep studying English!
Obviously, I totally agree with you concerning the knowledge of English with all the implications in our life.

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