What does "ironic" mean?
by Bari
Please explain the meaning of "ironic" and "ironically", with an example. 1) Ironic is characterized by a significant difference between what is expected and what actually is;
* If you buy a car seat for your child because it is presumed to be the safest on the market but then it gets recalled because it is actually very dangerous you could say that that situation is a little ironic.
* Or you see someone protesting against MacDonalds, while eating a Big Mac. You wouldn't expect someone how is against MacDonalds to be eating there.
* "Madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker";
2) Ironic also describes something that is humorously sarcastic or mocking; which is sometimes called "dry humour"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning indirectly"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile";
You use "ironically" when you do something but in an ironic way. She smiled at the man ironically.
For a more detailed explanation of what "ironic" means visit my page on Alanis Morissette’s song "Ironic".
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