Short Videos from Movies or TV Series

by Maksym
(Sumy, Ukraine)

Marry Christmas for you and your family, I wish good luck for you at next year and all life.

In 2010 I would like to see more short stories to read and listen together, or maybe links to texts and audiobooks of their (short story, classical story, anything).

Maybe some short videos from movies, TV series with explanation.

Good luck Diana. :)

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Jan 09, 2010
More video, that's great!
by: Svenlana

Hi, Diana! I join to Maksym from Ukraine.More video is just what I really want.And I'd like this video will be provided with your valuable comments.And still I want to have a possibility to ask questions to you and get answer. I know you are very busy but if you could...
Thank you ever so much for what you are doing for all people who love English and want to master it by means of your site.

Dec 21, 2009
Good point
by: Giuseppe

Hi to everybody,

I agree with this proposal. I mean, movies are a good way to improve both the listening and speaking skills.
They also contains good examples of how the language is really used in everyday conversations and they might include some cultural references.
Above all, with an explanation by a native speaker (especially by a skilled one like you Diana :) )
it could became a good lesson!


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