My Trip to Iran

by Ahmad

Iranian Landscape

Iranian Landscape

A story about a 25 year old's latest trip to Iran. Amongst the busy streets and crazy traffic our author finds himself surrounded by natural beauty and friendly people.

I'm My name is Ahmad and I am 25 years old. I'm from Berlin and I would like want to describe my trip to Iran. I went there last year and I visited many of the grand larger cities of in Iran.

Actually, Iran is a nice and modern country with high buildings skyscrapers. Especially in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
In Tehran, you can see so many cars in the streets with a creatingcrazy traffic. Tehran is so big and so nice and modern.

In other Iranian cities of Iran, you can see a special atmosphere. The people of from Kerman, are very much warmer than the people of from the capital. They are similar to the people of from Khozestan, Mashhad and Mazandaran.

Iran is a multi-cultural country and you can see a lot of different cultures and languages in there. In the south of Iran, people speak Arabic language and Lori language. In the west, people speak Torkish and Kordish. In the north, you can hear people speaking Mazani and Gilaki languages. In the east, people use Balochi language and there is are more than 100 accents in this country.

In a historical view Historically speaking, Iran was one of the biggest and most famous civilizations and now it has many components of this historical civilization.

At last I suggest that everyone all of the people to go there and visit the many beautiful cities of Iran.

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