My Husband Has an iPhone4

by Diana

Enjoy this "self talk" where I speak about my husband's new iPhone4.

If you want a real challenge, why not try writing down what I am saying in the video. :) Good luck!

Comments for My Husband Has an iPhone4

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Apr 21, 2011
I forgot to post the transcript!
by: Bettina

Hahaha, I was so excited that I forgot to add the transcript! Poor me...Here it is. Enjoy!
Why don't you try to do it better than I did? I think that's a good exercise for everyone!



It's Diana and I want to (wanna) talk about "APPLE" and my new husband, my new husband ha ha, it's not my new husband because I only have one...

My husband has a new iPhone and I'm going to (gonna) to tell you a secret. I'm a little bit jealous because this new iPhone, this is the box for the iPhone.

I love it. It is so cool, just the idea that you can do so much because it's so small and yeah, so he's in love with his iPhone, his 'iPhone 4' and I think that it's going to be a competition between me and the iPhone.

So it's time I think you know, why am I better than an iPhone? And well, I can cook, that's one good thing. I don't think an iPhone can cook. Sure, it can have an application to make receipts but it doesn't actually cook for you.

So (...) one day this phone ( ...) little arms and can make a meal and I think I'm OK and you can't kiss an iPhone. Well, you can kiss an iPhone but it doesn't kiss back! So, I think, I'm OK.

Yeah, iPhone 4, pretty cool and of course, I have an iPod which is basically an iPhone without phone. So, it's like, I can check my email, I can go on facebook, I can take videos and audio and I can do lots of really cool stuff with my iPod but the iPhone is just so much cooler.

Mm, I think my husband is going to keep reminding me, that it's cooler probably for the rest of our life's.

Hm, yeah that's pretty much it.

Apr 21, 2011
Transcrit of Diana's video
by: Bettina


This was a nice challenge to write down what Diana tells us. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand every single word.

That's why there are a few blanks. (...) Hopefully, there are some learners who'll find these words. Please don't hesitate to correct me if I made some mistakes.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun!

Diana, please don't worry, as you said, the iPhone can't kiss him back and it can't cook yet either.

The iPhone looks very nice but you looks much more beautiful. There is no doubt, you win the competition!

I wish, Diana's husband will buy a iPhone 4 for his marvellous wife very soon!

She really deserves it and then she'll have an occasion to make another video in which she'll tell us more about her brand new iPhone!

I think that my idea is great. Isn't it?

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