Listening Advice and Exercises

by Giuseppe

Hi Diana,

First of all, I wanna thank you for the amazing and useful job you've been doing with both your website and newsletter.
I think it could be a good idea to make a listening section on your website.
You know, that's a difficult ability to get for a foreign learner. Sometimes you understand nothing when listening, although if you read the same content you get it immediately.

I know you've already put some really useful tips, but what I mean here it's some more advice on how improve effectively with a method.

For example how movie can help? Should we watch them with or without subs?

Another idea could be making audio/video podcasts (I know it requires lot of time you might not have).

Thank you again.

All the best.

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Feb 27, 2014
Video Blog...Great idea
by: Diana Tower

Hi Giuseppe,

You make some great points. I think that I need to focus in on the skills that learners find the most difficult. Listening and speaking.

I provide one to one classes (which takes care of both at the same time) but listening is much easier to improve without the help of a teacher.

I am currently (February 2014) reviewing my website and refocusing on these aspects. Once I have cleaned up the website and made it easier to navigate, I will be dedicating my focus on video, audio and the newsletter.

Maybe I could create a video series to cover grammar, or spoken English or even Business English (my specialty).

In any case, the website is evolving and changing and hopefully it will turn into a even better tool for English learners.

What do you think? Finish the following sentence...

If I could choose one resource or new section on this website it would be...

I'm curious to know what everything thinks is missing. :)

All the best,
Diana Tower

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