Learning English in Madrid

by Hada

I'm from Spain, and I go to an Academy to learn English once a week, fortwo hours. to learn english in an Academie. I go every Saturday.

Each Saturday we have a different teacher. During the two hours we are talking with the teacher. The problem is that some teachers are really really goods, but another teachers are not interesteding in teaching English at all.

I like the language a lot and I'm learning English because I want to.

What can I do?
I am not motivated, and when I finish my lessons if this day I stayed with a bad teachers I feel very bad.
In Madrid there is are not a lot of places in which teaching that teach English, just for talking.

Thanks a lot

Hi Hada. You sound so frustrated. Actually, you sound like I sounded when I lived in Canada still and was studying Spanish there. I wanted to learn Spanish so much, and I loved it but I didn't seem to be learning much and I was not very motivated. Check out my newest motivation article

I don't want you to be frustrated any longer because there is hope. I know of a couple great things available in Madrid for practising your English. The first and the most fun is a group that is organized with Meetup.com. This is a website dedicated to organizing groups of people with similar interests.

I know that there is a group in Madrid to practise English. The group is called

"The Madrid Expat American Meetup Group" or

"The Madrid New In Town Meetup Group".

The groups are aimed at foreigners but it is great for local Spaniards, who want to speak in English, to go and chat. I have been several times and it is a wonderful way to meet new people, improve your English and have a drink with great people.

You can also try to find an intercambio to learn English and help someone learn Spanish. Be careful with this though. Many people use this as a way to meet people or as a dating service but if you are clear in your ad that you really want to improve your English, I'm sure you will find someone with the same intentions.

My third suggestion would be to change academies or speak to your current academy. If you are not happy then you shouldn't be paying (what I assume is a lot of money) for unsatisfactory classes.

I would recommend "Pueblo Ingles". I am not sure about their costs, compared to others, but they have great teachers and I work with them on a monthly contracted basis. You could always see what they have to offer in terms of conversational classes etc.

I hope that those suggetions help you. At least you know that you can work on your writing with me with my website.

Let me know how things go and if you need any more help or suggestions.


Need more help Hada? Just ask!

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