Learn English for Beginners

Lesson 2:
What to Say When You Do Not Understand

When you learn English for Beginners, you probably will not understand everything in the beginning.

Let's learn how to tell someone that you don't understand.

1) Look at the picture.
2) Listen to the audio.
3) Say the words with the audio.


Adding "sorry" to anything you say will make you sound more polite. 

Don't overdo it though.  Too many "sorrys" and you will not sound sincere.

Learn English for Beginners Tip

All of these expressions are polite but with the wrong tone they could be interpreted as rude.  

Remember to always focus on your tone.  

Also, when speaking face to face, your body language and facial expressions will help you (or hurt you).

Your English isn't the Problem

If you are in a car, or in a loud restaurant then don't be surprised if you have a harder time understanding or following a conversation.  

If you can not hear what is being said, then you obviously will not understand it.  

This is for everyone: Native English speakers included!

It is ok!

If you are speaking to someone and you do not understand them or the subject it is ok to say that you do not understand or admit that you do not know.

Being able to say you are lost or confused is difficult sometimes but it will show someone that they need to explain something in a different way, slow down or just use different vocabulary or expressions.

Your Turn!  Imagine we are in my car...
What would you say if you didn't understand me?

Possible Answers and Other Useful Expressions:

1) Sorry Diana, what?

2) Sorry, what was the question? 

3) What does _______ mean? (for example: flight, dinner, plane etc)

If you would like some more expressions to help express your confusion or lack of understanding here are a couple more.

  • I don't understand (you). 
  • Could you say that again, more slowly? 
  • Could you slow down please, I don't understand.

Great work! 

Keep practicing these expressions.
Lesson three is on the way!:) 

English Course > Learn English for beginners: I don't know

Helpful advice to learn English faster!

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