Kudos and a Question

by Naren

When I was searching for the comments reviews on the Prof.Kev Nair Books, I got to found and read your reviews on that them. I became so happy when I saw your website, because of the following:

1.Your honest and open minded review of Kev Nair's books.

2.You answer the questions and dispel the doubts of people no matter how silly the question could be.

3.I know that someone is there to share their knowledge and that I can get the chance to learn.

You efforts are really commendable.
Kudos to you

Naren, I will remember this day forever. You are the first visitor to tell me that I am achieving my goal for my website...to help people learn English and to help people gain confidence in their abilities to do it by themselves. It makes me so happy to know that I am helping you and others. Your words are truly appreciated! -Diana

Can you tell me the meaning of the words in the following sentence.

"Songs, especially, are smartly used to brings the B and C center folks flocking to the theatres for an otherwise too intelligent movie."

It was in the review of a movie review. I could not understand, after the word "theatres" ie " for an otherwise too intelligent movie".

Here the writer is referring to the style or classification of the movie. This particular movie is an intelligent one. One that contains many different meanings, metaphors and interpretations.

Some people don't enjoy that type of movie. So the reviewer states that the music attracts people to see this movie, even though ordinarily (without the music) these B and C people/folks would not go and see the movie. Does that make sense?

The music is used to attract people to an intelligent movie, even though they may not enjoy intelligent movies. If you need further explanation or examples just add a comment or send me another question request.


1. I wanted to bold the particular words for which I seek meaning. I don't understand but the page dont doesn't allow me to do so.

To make words bold, italic or underlined you need to use HTMP codes. For example: if you put a b in brackets < > and then the word you want bold, followed by /b in brackets < > the word in the middle will be bold.

2. Please correct the above questions. Did had I made any mistakes?

I corrected everything as I read your question. You write very well, with just a couple mistakes. Great work!

If you would like to practice your writing on a regular basis. Visit the writing course. There are a couple assignments posted now and a new one will be posted every Wednesday! :) -Diana

Need more help Naren? Just ask!

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Jan 13, 2009
Thanks for quick reply
by: Naren

Dear Diana,
My Guruji often says that "The Good company is one who makes your problem nothing and gives you relief and hope when you go to him for a solution". Making someone feel good and gain confidence is something worth doing. And that's what your are doing - a kind of service.

Your reply within 24hrs is was unexpected foras I thought it would take a 2 to 3 days to get a reply from you.

I already tried listening to the Radio and it was nothing but frustration to continue, as I didnt understand. But your tip that not to try to understand, just surround yourself with it, really gave me some relief. At least one mental work task is reduced. I am writing this while listening to the BBC.(Your recommendation, personal success radio site, is not working. It giving only gives thea list of links to for other sites. I didnt see any such logo "listen online" ).

Also, I need afew more examples to understand the review. "For an otherwise too intelligent movie" does not strike the complete understanding string in me.

Hi Naren,

I am glad that I can help. I am working full time on the website so I can respond faster than normal. :)

Listening to the radio can be really frustrating but I promise, if you just hear it, it will get easier. The BBC is great!

As for Personnel success Radio...it is no longer on the web. Thank-you for telling me though. I will go remove it from my list.

OK..more examples!

Imagine you buy a tv and it's perfect. It's big, amazing quality and sound...EXCEPT!!!...the electrical plug is wrong! Noooo, why does the cable have to be wrong on the otherwise amazing TV?

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad asking for someone with your education and experience. It is perfect in everyway...EXCEPT it wants you to relocate. This otherwise perfect job is no longer an option because you don't want to move.
When you use otherwise it is like saying something is one thing (intelligent, perfect, family oriented)...except for one thing.

How's that? Have we struck your "complete understanding string" yet? If you need more...let me know. :) -Diana

PS: Keep listening to the radio, even if you don't understand. Hearing it daily will help improve your listening skills. :)

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