I've been using effortless english for two years, but I am still not fluent.

by Charlie

I've been using effortless english for two years.

Yes, two years. AJ promised fluency in 6 months. However, after TWO Years, I am still not fluent.

Yes, his lessons are unique, and powerful. When I got them, I was extremely excited to believe that I could be fluent within six months.

However, am I fluent now?
if you ask me whether it worked or not, my answer would be yes. Of course if you spend two years doing anything, it shall work for sure...

I can’t call myself truly fluent in English, just because I can speak some broken English with an unbelievably weird accent, can I?

I repeatedly listened to his lessons again and again for TWO YEARS, wishing my fluency dream came true, but I have to face the reality, do I?

The reality is, I am NOT fluent YET, maybe I will, after several years following him (Maybe I should spend ten years or twenty years to see if I will be fluent with his method). But what I can say is that I am not fluent YET.

I still find it hard to express myself. Sometimes I want to express some ideas, but I don't know how to say that. Sometimes it's because I don't know the name of an item in English. Sometimes I just can't find an adjective to describe a thing. And sometimes I don't know how to say the action a person does. Yes, I followed his advice - Don't memorize vocabulary lists, but how could I know what poptarts are since any of A.J.'s lessons hasn't taught the word? Maybe until A.J. eventually make a lesson that teaches the word poptart?

The fact is : Any lesson can NOT cover everything that is needed to become fluent. There are too many things that any of A.J.'s lessons hasn't taught. Encountering any of them, I won't be able to understand. In other words, I want to know if there really is anyone who followed A.J. and became TRULY fluent within six month. Anyone? Maybe the only thing that A.J. can give me is passion, and then I must learn English from other materials.

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Mar 27, 2014
flyent or not flyent...
by: Tatjana

Do ask if there are some people who get fluency with AJ lessons????? Just go on his page!!!Yes, there are a lot of people they have learned from AJ to be fluent, but it`s not "a wonder" - you have to DO this job. And we all are so different! Some people can learn to be fluent quickly, some people need a long time - BUT NEVER STOP TO LEARN!!!!
(I have started to speak after 3 month with AJ...after 6 month I was fluent, it`s try)
Don't give up!!!!!
Maybe you have to put your question on the social page for Effortless English???? There members of this club can help you.
Good Luck!!!

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