Learn how to improve your English with 5 Easy Steps! Let's look at a question that I received recently from a visitor asking for advice on how to learn English quickly and efficiently.
Hi Diana,
I am looking to improve speaking, conversation and listening skills cuz am working in pharmaceutical company as medical representative. So I work in sales and medical. So what is ur suggestion depending on ur experience? Can u send to me the plane how i can improve that skills. Thank u Diana
1) Use English everyday.
This can be done many ways. Listening to the radio or downloading podcasts in English and listening to them on your way to and from work can significally improve your English. Read English newspapers or magazines on topics that interest you (travelling, health or gossip). For more ideas on how to use English on a daily basis visit the following article on how to study English. Actually this article explains most of the things that you should be doing. If you choose a couple activities from each skill area (listening, reading, writing and speaking) you will improve your English quickly and easily.
2) You need to be persistent.
Basically you could start any course that you like (online course, private classes or just choosing activities from my list) and if you do it regularly and make an effort over a period of time…you will 100% improve. No question. The problem is that most people stop. It isn’t the product that fails, but the motivation, dedication and effort made by the student that does.
To quote myself: "A website or a teacher is just a tool that helps you learn. You need to keep yourself involved and keep motivated, because in the end it is YOU that teaches yourself a language, not a website. -Diana Tower
3) If you need to improve your English skills, specifically for your job here are a couple suggestions. I would subscribe to a pharmaceutical Magazine in English. Or register on a website so that you can read them online. (Use word champ to help you get more out of your reading. Word Champ is a new web tool that helps you know the meaning and pronunciation of words instantly with the click of a button.
Reading regularly, aloud, will help your speaking dramatically. It will also help to improve your ear for English as well. The more you hear English the better you will understand it. Your goal is to immerse yourself in English, as if you were living in Canada.
4) What about frequency?
How many times a week and for how long? I am going to tell you the truth here. To see a difference with minimal effort, you need to do something everyday. Maybe take one day off or the weekend but minimum 5 days a week for 30 mins. Think of it like muscle…if you work out regularly your muscles get stronger. If you don’t work out for a month and then do a full workout, you are going to be sore the next day. So keep your English flexible and strong. Every day for 30 mins.
That is it. Four things that you can do to improve your English.
If you would like something similar to a weekly plan look at the following idea:
During your commute to work, listen to English podcasts that you find interesting OR read a magazine, novel or anything in English. (Obviously NOT during your commute if you are driving!)
Try to find an intercambio (a language exchange). Get together for some conversation over a coffee or a beer for an hour. You could do an hour of English and an hour of your native language to help them learn.
Meetup.com is a great resource for finding groups of people with similar interests. Or just look in the classifieds of a newspaper or online.
Sign up for a free course from livemocha.com. They have 4 courses that can help you improve all aspects of your English.
As you are a higher level they may be too basic for you but try the fourth course and see if it is appropriate.
Watch a movie in English or watch a TV episode in English. If this is too hard, which it with English subtitles as well.
If you have satellite TV, change all movies to the original version and watch them in English.
Review some grammar, phrasal verbs or idioms to help express yourself more naturally. Use a grammar text book or websites from the internet.
Try to choose phrasal verbs or idioms that are useful to you so that you will use them frequently.
Go out and see a movie in original version, then have another intercambio with a native speaker.
Relax, but try to think in English. :)
These are just some of many ideas to help you improve your English.
Improve your English Grammar with MUSIC!
Just remember...learning a language takes TIME.
Be patient and consistent and you will learn English!
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