To use a public telephone you must first buy a phone card and then you go to where there is a cabine phone booth. If there is someone there using the phone you must wait until they finish their talking call, then you can enter run into the cabine booth. Put in the card and you hang pick up the receiver the phone. When you hear a sound like wennnnnn you tipe can enter the phone number and ask for the person you wish to speak to. Once they answer, you can talk.
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First you to buy a telephone card. Then you introduce it/the telephone card into the machine pay phone the telephe card. Next you writhe dial the telephone number. After that you will hear a ring...ring and you need to listen to for the voice of the person that you called. Then you talk with that person, like which could be your friend, mother, father in others or someone else.
Finally you say "see you soon", and hang up the phone.
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by Anonymous
First you need to put a coin in the phone box You could also be specific and say "in the coin slot of the phone"..
Then you have to wait until it says "enter you number".
Next you have to enter the number that you want to call to a person.
Then Talk to him.
Finally, put phone handle receiver on in the place where you'd previously taken it from.
For the final step you could also have said "Finally, hang-up the receiver in the cradle (the part of the phone that holds the receiver).
Great job! You give VERY good instructions. They were perfectly clean and if I had never used a pay phone before I wouldn't have any problems making a call. Remember to use your articles though... "the" and "a" ok. :) Great work! Can anyone else give instructions on how to use a pay phone? Be really specific and descriptive!
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by Naren
First make sure you have coins before you use the phone.
Lift the receiver and wait for the dial tone (if you don't hear it, it means phone is not working. Say goodbye to that one and try another. Then you will see the instructions in the display that ask you to put a coin in the coin slot.
As soon as you put the coin in the coin slot, you will see 'Dial the number; in the display.
Dial the number you want to call. If you exceed 60 seconds, you will have to use one more coin before the countdown clicks 0 in the display; or the call will be disconnected.
Once you are done with the call, keepput the receiver (the thing you hold to your mouth and ear) in the cradle.
If you are lucky or the owner of the phone/phone dept. is unlucky, sometimes it happens when you puthang up the receiver down in the cradle, you may get your coin back in the coin outlet, despite you having made acall. This That is because of the due to a mechanical fault in the internal things of the phone.
If you are unlucky (!), again sometimes it happens the phone would swallow(eat) your coins without letting you to make any calls. Meaning means you neither can't make calls or you get your coin back.In case Ifthe number you are calling is not reachable or busy or whatever, you have to hang up put the receiver down and take the coin back from the coin outlet and follow the above procedure again, in order to try again.
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