How to gain weight

by Nam

I'm too thin. I'm 1m67 with 50kg. Is it too thin?

How can I gain more weight. I have tried some vitamines but it didn't help. I take vitamines. My helth has a problem. The problem is my body too "hot" . It is difficult to shit and it is always constipated after taking multivitamines. Morever, I had some spots on my face afer drinking this medicine as well.

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Jun 08, 2009
How to gain weight?
by: Pam

I am too thin, my height is I am 1.67m and my weight is I weigh 50kg which that is too little for my height.

How can I gain weight? I have tried some vitamins but they have not helped me. After taking my vitamins, I have many problems with my health. Taking vitamins affects my health causing many problems, like my body gets very hot, I get constipated constipation problem and some spots on my face.

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