
by tahira tariq kanwar

Happiness is something we experience unnoticeably. It lives in our hearts; peeks and vanished; it's a glow in the night; a bloom in autumn a shimmer in the dims and darks it's the rainbow in faded earthy surroundings but why we always take it for granted and always welcome the sadness; hug it, spoil it and insist to stay with us for a few more days?

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May 08, 2009
by: Nafis

Dear Diana,

I can learn from other learner's mistakes too. Thank you very much.

All the best,
You are very right Nafis! So far you are the first and only person to pay it forward!! Let's go everyone. There has to be more people out there who want to improve their English. :P

May 05, 2009
by: Nafis

Happiness is something we experience unnoticeably but goes un-noticed. It lives in our hearts; peeks and then vanishes; it's a glow in the night; a bloom in autumn; a shimmer in the dim and dark the darkness; it's the a rainbow in fading into its earthy surroundings.

Why do we always take it for granted? Why do we always welcome the sadness?; hugging it, spoiling it and insisting that sadness on remains with us for a few more days?

Great work Nafis. Thank you for "Paying it Forward!" You are setting a good example for everyone. Remember. The more you help others...the more I can help YOU! :) Have a great day! -Diana

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