by Nodira
Hello Robby! I'm Nodira from Korea. I want to improve my English language. I always try to speak, but sometimes I can not explaine to I want to say.
Also I make a mistake while speaking. Please, help me to improve my English. Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
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by Karthik
Hi robby,
All the time I have been very afraid to speak. Sometimes have decided to speak well but unfortunatly I can't speak as what I am thinking to say.
Can you give some energetic tips for this issue?
Return to Ask Robby Kukurs for help with your English fluency issues..
by Martin
What is English Fluency according to you? If you had to define it, would you be able to in one sentence or would you need to describe several factors that -together- create English fluency?
I can't remember a time when I wasn't dreaming about being a fluency speaker. I think this "dream" sometime makes me feel bad. Did ever happen to you? It's like I imagined one day I would suddenly start speaking like a Hollywood actor like Clint Eastwood or George Clooney (maybe start looking like him too!)
That is never going to happen though (fluency or looks wise).
So my question is, what is a reasonable expectation or dream to have regarding English fluency? How can I make my dreams "appropriate" or "achievable" so that I do not set myself up for disappointment?
When I refer to fluency I am referring to speaking and listening. Writing has never been too much of an issue for me, but once you put a microphone or live person in-front of me I freeze-up.
Thanks for your thoughts Robby!
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