English Out There

This course looks good. There are lots of materials available and a free Skype session with a teacher. Please tell me what you think.

The website is http://englishoutthere.com

Thanks for asking! I went over to English Out There's website to see what the courses are like and explore.

The website is simple, easy to use and provides clear information about their products and courses.

The courses are divided into 6 levels and provide you with worksheets, audio files and additional tools to copy parts of the worksheets and post them in social media programs.

I've never used this system before but I must admit that I am curious. They also provide materials for teachers to teach the course (online or in person) and from what I saw on the website I can say that I would conciser purchasing a level to try with my students.

My advice...explore the website more, ask them questions if you have any and if you feel comfortable and confidant with the materials then choose the right level for you and go for it.

Just remember...many people purchase products or materials and then never use them. If you are going to create a daily schedule to use the materials then I think they sound useful.

If you are going to download the course and then forget about it (like so many of us do) I would save your money and explore free resources on the Internet.

Thanks for asking my opinion and I hope that it helps you make a decision.

All the best,

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