What do you think about "Effortless English" Lessons?

by Viktoria

My point about this course is absolutely POSITIVE!!! I've just recently bought it and I'm at the beginning of the course. I believe I'll improve my English speaking quickly. Plus, I'm about to go to the USA on November, 22. - Viktoria

Viktoria is excited about improving her speaking skills with AJ Hoge's MP3 course. Wouldn't it be great if you could speak English more naturally too?

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it's up to you

by keider jesus
(cartagena, colombia)

Hi, I'm keider morales ,I'm from colombia and I've been using this method for ages but guess what? I learned english faster and easier, I haven't felt happy while studying english, but I did it and the result was that I could speak English as a native english speaker.

If you want to learn English easier and faster you should take this english method that A,J hoge created.

But remember if you want to learn English follow this method it's up to you my friend.

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It sucks completely

by Wil

It sucks completely, there is no interactivity in the learning.

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Absolutely working since its your effort plus AJ method

by Anonymous

Im using it and I think Im in the middle of it but I know it really really needs ones effort and I wanna say if you are using it then you're on the right way.

AJ cannot do any miracles. He can make it easier for you and its YOU who must be ready to make an effort.

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Effortless English has Changed my Life

by Adriano Lemos
(João Neiva - ES - Brazil)

This method of studying English is the best which I have met. Almost everyday I study and I hope, as soon as possible, to be speaking fluent in English.

It just depends on ourselves to reach our goal, but so this might happen we try everytime and never stop believing.

I trust it and I think that everybody could to do it.

Now I wanna try the English Harmony Method, because I saw in your blog you say some about it and at the same time I got confidence about it.

The bigger probability is that if we join all the methods which are available to us nowadays, and keep the frequency on that, at the end we will become great speakers and this would means so much to me.

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The "Effortless English" Method Works

by Geder
(São Paulo,São Paulo,Brazil)

I started with the first set and already my English is improving. My experience with the English language was really good. The method works but maybe it takes longer than just six months, in my opinion.

Thanks for your opinion Geder. I am glad that it is working for you! This is great to hear. Effortless English sounds like it does exactly what it promises...as long as you use it! Click here to visit Effortless English LLC.

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Effortless English is the Best Course Ever!!!

by Manny

Thank you!!!

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I’m very satisfied with Effortless English

by Ljubo
(Zagreb, Croatia)

I have been using Effortless English for 15 months. AJ and his coworkers offer more than one courses. The basic one is named "Effortless English" and I finished it one month ago.

I’m very satisfied.

The course consists of four levels. If you learn the recommended one to two hours per day it will take around one year to finish the whole course.

Now I’m working on an additional course named "Learn Real English" which is exclusively everyday conversational.

I think people should know that they can’t master English in six months if they learn only one to two hours per day (five days a week).

To speak excellent in six months average learner should work by this method at least five to six hours per day. That’s real.

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