by Presl
(Beijing, China)
Hi, Diana!
I ran into a couple of questions when I was listening to a song called "Get Down" which sung by Backstreet Boys.
Well, the thing is, it seems some words in the lyrics are related to sexual terms. (I am not sure though, since I am not a native speaker. That is why I want to know what these words mean exactly; what they are singing about exactly.)
Well, I posted my question about this song at two days ago, but I still have not got any replies, which just make me ask myself - Are they even sexual terms??? Oh!!!
I am going crazy!! I do not know where I can ask these questions, as I said, I just want to know what the singer is singing about. I don't mean to learn these kinds of words.
So, I figure, may I ask you these questions personally, Diana? If you do not mind...
:-( :-(
I don't mind at all! I know what it feels like to sing along to a song and not know exactly what you are saying. Sometimes it can be quite embarrassing.
I want to keep my website a friendly and clean place so thankfully this song is not extremely explicit.
So, to answer your question; Yes, the song is sexually orientated, but not explicitly.
They don't mention anything directly but you can understand what they are speaking about if you understand what "get down" usually refers to.
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