Continue Editing with
Membership Fee

by Nassorn

I like the way you do the editing and I know that it's time consuming. Making correctness directly in our writing is an effective way to improve writing.

So that I encourage you to add a paid membership in order to have your editing.

Hi Nassorn,

I did consider this before but I didn't think anyone would pay. Hmmm...maybe I should try a paid service. I have some questions for you...and for everyone.

1) How should the membership work?
2) How much should it cost?
3) Any additional comments or suggestions...

Do post your comments below because I really do value your input! -Diana

Comments for Continue Editing with
Membership Fee

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Jun 14, 2010
Membership site
by: Nassorn

What if some article is longer than 400, let say 550, would you count it as 2 articles out of 4-7 limited?

This is very possible.

This is a good question and there are two options. I could do what you suggest and conceder it two articles, or I could proofread up to the 400 word mark and then leave the remaining text alone.

This is something that I would have to decide when the area is developed 100%. Can you think of any other situations that might happen?

It is always a good idea to think about the "what if" factor of any project. :) Thanks for your comments Nassorn! - Diana

Jun 12, 2010
Membership site
by: Nassorn's hard for me to give you the price since I will be your customer so I expect the lowest price. hee.hee.hee

I better leave it in your hands.

Well done Nassorn!! First rule of business or negotiation: "Never say a number/amount first". Do not worry though I do some research and thinking and try to find an amount that makes both you (the customer) and me (the service provider) happy.

I'll take into account the amount of time necessary and also see what the "competition" is doing.

I'll be in touch and hopefully soon we will have a new "proofreading members area" for the website.

Apart from the money side of things, do the other parameters sound reasonable? (4-7 articles a month with a maximum of 400 words per article?)

I guess it depends on the needs of my customers and as you are the first person to express an interest I'd like to base the membership on your needs at first and then expand for others.

Keep in touch Nassorn! - Diana

Jun 10, 2010
Membership site
by: Nassorn

I think you may start with a low cost monthly fee with offering editing services for limited number of pages and its length. You may offer 2 membership levels, etc.

The monthly fee must cover your sweat since editing is time consume tasks. This is a source of recurring income while people will improve their writing LIVELY.

I will be one of your members as I believe I can improve my writing skills. :D

What a great idea! I think that a monthly fee would be good as well. Maybe it could include 7 documents a month, 400 word maximum each (??). I'm still a bit stuck on price though.

What would be a good price range for you?

I have done translation before but never proofreading and I value you honest opinion on pricing. Thanks so much Nassorn for you suggestion and help and I look forward to hearing from you. - Diana

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