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Lesson 2 is live on
February 17, 2009

Learn English Newsletter,
Issue #008

More audio and pictures in
Lesson 2: Dealing with Confusion in English

Hi and the other 300 visitors that have signed-up for this Newsletter. It is an honor to be invited into so many lives!)

I am happy to announce that lesson number 2 is LIVE on the website. Lesson 2: I don’t know. Visit it today for a quick review or learn it for the first time.

Intermediate and Advanced learners: No, I haven’t forgotten you! I know I am working on the “beginners” course but my course is different. It is useful for all levels. Think of it as a quick review of the basics to keep your grammatical structures strong.

However, to keep you interested, I will be adding an audio version of the Motivation page…this week. I’ll let you know when. :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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