Learn English Newsletter,
Issue #001
How to find free books online
and much more
This is the first monthly newsletter to help you learn English and I hope that you find it (and future ones) useful. This month's newsletter consists of an update about the website and helpful tips and information.
The Past Perfect
(What I have done so far)
Since the beginning, March 2008, a lot of things have been added, changed and improved on the website. One of my favorite sections is the articles. There you can find information on ways to study English (ideas to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing), how to find English radio stations to surround yourself in English, and much more.
Present Continuous
(What's happening right now?)
I am working hard to get as much helpful content on line, as quickly as possible. The most recent addition to the site is the article on how to get English books for free, with the help of the Gutenberg project.
I am also adding a Table of Contents to make navigating the site easier and faster.
There is also a survey (that takes about 2-5 minutes) to help me know what you like and dislike about the site. If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out the survey and tell me what you think.
The Future
(What to expect in the months to come)
I am very excited about two projects that are currently in the works (I am currently working on).
The first project will help you improve your writing skills. I will be collaborating with a new friend that I met last week. I wont tell you more right now, but visit the site in the next week or two and you will notice the new "Writing" button on the Navigation Bar. :)
The second project is much bigger and I am really excited about it. I think that many of you will benefit from this "ear opening" experience. I expect that it will be introduced in late October, but I will tell you as soon as it is on line. :)